Call for submissions for RIDI 2025

We kindly invite you to submit an extended abstract for the Third International Workshop on Research for Impact in Digital Innovation (RIDI). Since 2023, the workshop series is a collaboration between the HU University of Applied Sciences (Utrecht, The Netherlands),...

38th Bled eConference Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues, you are kindly invited to visit the Call for Papers for the upcoming 38th Bled eConference, entitled: EMPOWERING TRANSFORMATION: SHAPING DIGITAL FUTURES FOR ALL Welcome to submit your full research paper or research in progress paper. The Easychair...

Call for papers and a Happy New Year

Call for papers and a Happy New Year Dear Colleagues, After the cyberattack that caused delays in our work, we are back. We have met with the members of the program committee and prepared the Call for Papers. Some additional updates will follow.  We already invite you...
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